Prime minister, Abdelilah Benkirane

Prime minister, Abdelilah Benkirane Casablanca – Raja Battoui In the upcoming weeks, the National Union for Liberal Professions are getting ready to file a lawsuit against the head of the government Abdelilah Benkirane, for refusing to have a dialogue with their representatives. Those who are self employed have threatened to refrain from paying taxes that were imposed on them by the government. The National Union of Liberal Professions included national unions representing doctors from the public sector, lawyers, pharmacists, dentists, architects, biologists and expert accountants. They have requested the Prime Minister to establish an obligatory system for health and social insurance.
The union confirmed to Arabstoday that it already submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister, and sent a message to the Minister of Health, calling for a meeting as soon as possible. It has also contacted several former ministers and many parliamentary authorities, but received no response.
In a statement to Arabstoday, the head of the National Union for doctors from the public sector Nasseri Banani, confirmed to Arabstoday that the self-employed have made every effort to obtain their health and social security.
The speaker added that the National Union of Liberal Professions blames the government for all consequences which deprives the self-employed from their right in health coverage and social protection. The union invited all self-employed to refrain from paying taxes that were imposed on them by the government.