Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane

Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane After violent protests led by Morocco\'s unemployed youth shook the establishment, the Moroccan government has launched an employment website with information on government jobs. Moroccans were incensed when the Islamist government, led by Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, announced that those who applied for governmental jobs had to pass certain examinations first.
PM Benkirane said the website would guarantee full transparency in managing the employment process in Morocco.
The website contains information about available jobs and the qualifications required, as well as the examination schedules and dates for the results.
The website,, currently lists 12,201 vacant jobs in government institutions, down from 18,355 jobs supposed to be available in 2012 as declared earlier by the government.
Sixty-five percent of these jobs are in the education sector.