Lebanese Labour Minister Salim Jreissati has eased the rules

Lebanese Labour Minister Salim Jreissati has eased the rules After a meeting with the Director of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Lebanon, Anne Desmor, Lebanese Labour Minister Salim Jreissati decided to grant facilities to Palestinian refugee workers who are registered in Interior Ministry records.
Labour Ministry issued a statement saying that, based on laws 128 and 129 issued on August 24, 2010, a separate and independent account has been established in the National Fund for Social Security to give the Palestinian refugees retirement pensions with the same conditions given to Lebanese labourers who are subject to provisions of the labour law.
Palestinian workers were also allowed to occupy professions confined to Lebanon, with the exception of professions which have their own regulating laws.
The ministry told concerned departments that Palestinian workers are exempt from the insurance policy and medical checks as part of a job application, because they benefit from the medical services provided by UNRWA.