Iraqi Businessmen Association (IBA

The head of Iraqi Businessmen Association (IBA), Ragheb Blibel, said that the Industrial Coordinating Council (ICC), which has recently announced its formation, will examine the solutions to be taken by the concerned parties to revitalize the national economy through the development of the industrial sector, taking into account the need for a supportive environment for the sector and helping serious steps to activate its role and contribution to national output.
Blibel stressed importance of the  contribution of the private sector to the promotion of economic activity. He added that ICC will work during the coming period on organizing workshops, which is currently being prepared, with the participation of specialists and experts in the industrial sector, adding that these workshops will propose programs for projects suspended production in accordance with the priorities of each project and the method of operation and financing.

The head of IBA also called for the organization of a broad national campaign by the concerned bodies in the industrial sector to diagnose the reasons behind the deterioration of the activity of the sector and the damage inflicted on large sectors of the workers, which led to a serious loss suffered by the country.
He pointed out that ICC is moving to adopt mechanisms that encourage the development of the production process and create real competition between producers in all vital sectors in a move to restore life to the local market by offering a local qualitative product. He also stressed that Iraq is able to develop its productive sectors, but this is linked to the availability of the environment to activate the reality of work in all sectors.
Blibel also pointed out that ICC will be very close to any directions to activate the strategy of the private industrial sector and develop industrial development and eliminate the problems of the Iraqi economy, adding that Iraq is able to move from recession to recovery if conditions are met.
He stressed the need for a growth based on reality, and must be a serious approach by decision-makers to rely on the private sector in the implementation of development programs, explaining that the risks of unleashing the import of controls have negative effects on Iraqi economy.