There has been a 4.4 percent increase in average Kuwaiti salaries

There has been a 4.4 percent increase in average Kuwaiti salaries Salaries in Kuwait are on the rise, according the Hay Group\'s 2012 Kuwait report. The global consultancy firm\'s research based on 34,000 employees in 128 Kuwaiti and multi-national companies found a 4.4 percent increase in average pay-packets this year.
The report also forecasts a five percent pay rise in 2013.
Despite the positive figures, more and more employees in Kuwait are leaving work voluntarily every year. Attrition figures were at eight percent in 2012, more than UAE (four percent), Saudi Arabia (five percent) and Qatar (seven percent).
The Hay Group said Kuwaiti worker bonuses were up to 53 percent of their salary in some cases, especially in the oil and gas sectors. However, it called upon Kuwait employers to focus on the career development of employees as a means of dealing with the attrition problem.
Author of the report, Wendell D\'Cunha, said: \"The combination of a shortage of national talent and a focus from employers on pay as the main driver of employee retention is contributing to a high attrition rate. We would encourage organisations to look beyond pay and to develop their proposition in the areas of career development and look at how they can better support peoples\' long term goals and aspirations.\"
Around 79 percent of the employers who took part in the research said that they were struggling to recruit salespeople.