Union of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers

Union of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers The Union of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers ensured that it is ready to play an active role in the relations with Juba. Secretary General of the Union Bakri Yousuf Omar said in a statement that the Union has started early preparations for the first visit of its delegation to the South. Businessmen and representatives of big firms operating in different commercial, economic and investment fields will take part of the delegation visiting Juba during the second half of November.
In a statement to SUNA, Bakri Yousuf Omar confirmed the interaction of the Union and the different business sectors with the huge positive developments in improving the bilateral relations with South Sudan after Addis Ababa agreement regarding the joint cooperation between Sudan and the South.
He added that preparations for a visit of a delegation of businessmen to Juba are ongoing upon coordination between the embassy of Juba in Khartoum, the Chambers of commerce, industry and agriculture of South Sudan.
Bakri said the delegation is supposed to meet representatives of the business sectors in Juba in addition to a number of officials in the government and the institutions of South Sudan.
He added that all the expectation indicate that the visit will form a turning point in enhancing and developing the economic and commercial cooperation between the two countries.
This is based on the principles and the guidelines of the joint cooperation protocol and its terms regarding the economic and commercial sectors, in addition to the determination of both countries to establish good neighbourly relations based on achieving the interests of both countries making use of the different advantages of Sudan and the South and working on achieving the required integration between the advantages and the resources of the two countries.
He said business sectors hope that the competent authorities in both countries would take quick steps in laying the principles and the required procedures to facilitate the commerce movement and the banking procedures to animate the commercial and trade activities and enhance the role of the terrestrial, river, air and railway transportation.
Bakri said the Union requested from the competent authorities to facilitate and animate the trade movement and exchange of goods between Sudan and South Sudan.
He added that the Union is still in contact with the official bodies and businessmen unions in the Border States with the South to put the practical basis for the facilitation of the commercial and economic activities with South Sudan.
During the tension period after South Sudan occupied Heglig area, Khartoum decided to stop the trade and close the borders between the two countries.
This was reflected on the commercial and good exchange, harming commercial sectors in Sudan, and the consumers in South Sudan.
The President of South Sudan General Salva Kiir Mayardit stressed in his speech in occasion of Eid Al-Adha Feast on the importance of applying the full cooperation agreement with Sudan again, renewing the keenness of his country on respecting its terms.