Transport drivers blocked roads in areas in Cairo and Alexandria

Transport drivers blocked roads in areas in Cairo and Alexandria Cairo – Akram Ali Egypt's Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Osama Kamel has sacked the chairman of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) Nasr Abul Seoud, as national fuel shortages turn into a crisis.
Abul Seoud will be replaced by Petro Trade CEO and accountant Saeed Mostafa, sources said, while EGPC deputy Tarek el-Malla will oversee ongoing operations.
Egypt is currently mired in strikes and protests by transporter drivers.
Kamel has also order EGPC CEO Sherif Hadar to supply Wataniya petrol stations – controlled by security forces – with an extra two million litres of diesel, in an attempt to ease the crisis.
Refuelling trucks will also be deployed on main roads to alleviate the pressure on petrol stations nationwide.
The growing crisis reportedly came to a head in the last 48 hours, with hundreds of transport drivers striking and blocking roads with their vehicles on Sunday morning.
Gridlock stopped traffic in areas across Cairo.
Alexandria has also witnessed similar unrest, as drivers angry about fuel shortages, high prices and long queues demanded a swift solution.