Egypt to to supply Gaza with fuel

Egypt to to supply Gaza with fuel The President of the Energy and Natural Resources Authority (ENRA) in Palestine Dr. Omar Katana said that Egypt will supply the Gaza Power Plant with fuel to generate electricity in the coming days through official channels.
\"Egypt also agreed to raise the amount of Egyptian electricity provided to Rafah from 17 to 22 MW by the next week,\" Katana added.
Katana said: \"After a Palestinian energy delegation visited Egypt and met with its electricity and petroleum ministers, officials seemed responsive to the Palestinian request for more fuel. Egyptian officials have a genuine desire to resolve the crisis in Gaza out of a feeling of historic responsibility.\"
A joint Palestinian-Egyptian committee has been set up to discuss the supply mechanism and to agree on a draft trade deal for the Gaza power station.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian government said in a Tuesday statement that there were positive signs the fuel crisis in Gaza was on its way to being resolved, as Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh negotiated a solution with Egyptian officials in Cairo.
The statement said progress has also been made in talks to solve Gaza’s electricity problem.
ENRA seeks to rehabilitate the Gaza Power Plant which broke down due to Israeli shelling. The project is being carried out with the help of the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank and will be completed during next May.