Kurdistan Regional Government in Erbil

Under the auspices of the Association of Iraqi private banks, the General Authority for Taxes in the Federal Government and the General Administration of Taxation in the Kurdistan Regional Government in Erbil on Wednesday a joint record to coordinate work in the field of prevention of double taxation.
The document, signed by the General Authority for Taxation, was signed by its Director-General, Mr. Abbas Ali, and signed by the General Directorate of Taxation in the Region. The Director-General Kamal Tayeb is able to review the amendments to the Federal Income Tax Law No. 113 of 1982, which has already been approved by the Parliament of the Territory, Tax.
The joint minutes, which will be presented to the higher authorities in the federal government and the provincial government to approve the paragraphs on the unification of the annual regulations, to be participated in the preparation of representatives of the two tax administrations, and approved the record participation of the tax administration in the province in the controls committee of the General Authority for Federal Taxation, Of the project for the electronic system of tax accounting and the application of the system of granting the tax number and issuance of the tax card.
The two sides agreed through the minutes to facilitate the procedures of tax accounting for Iraqi private banks in the region so that they are held with the headquarters of the banks and all of its branches in Iraq.
The two sides agreed to recognize the documents and the acquittals issued by each of them by the other side
The two sides decided to form a joint joint coordination committee to follow up these decisions and obtain the necessary approvals from the official references in both Baghdad and Erbil to put into effect
The meeting was attended by a delegation from the Association of Private Banks, including Samiralnseiri, Advisor to the Association of Private Banks, Majid Michel, Director of Public Relations, Sherwan Mustafa, Representative of the Association in Erbil, as well as a number of Directors,
As well as representatives of the Central Bank of Iraq.
The two sides held their previous meeting in Barbil on June 12, devoted to end the double taxation between Baghdad and Erbil and coordinate the tax procedures and support the work of private banks to contribute to revitalize the economic cycle in the region and in Iraq in general.
The Association of Iraqi Private Banks, previously held a series of meetings with the administration of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in Erbil, to discuss the obstacles that prevent the strengthening of cooperation between private banks and tax services in the region, and called for the Association to hold quarterly joint meetings every 3 months, the rate of 4 meetings annually, To follow up the issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of taxation and banking between Baghdad and Erbil.