Al-Mohammedia Association

The head of the values center in al-Mohammedia Association for scientists Mohamed Blkabeir , stressed, in a statement for Arabs Today, the need to immunize young from the ideas promoted by extremist groups.
This came following the seminar, which was organized at the International Book Fair, under the title of "Terrorism industry and mechanisms of its intellectual confrontation, dismantle extremist speech model."

Concerning, the alternative to immunize the young people, the Moroccan researcher and writer said that we must rely primarily on educational programs, as well as filling the gap the void with an educational and systematic alternative speech with youth, and preparing a scientific content within the universities and various institutions that embrace the youth.

Extremist groups use speech raises feelings, and adopt ideas and principles on misnomer interpretation to change mental maps and components of the youth.

Concerning solutions to be taken, he said that we must rely on destabilizing the extremist rhetoric, re-read their concepts and facing it, as well as educating and guiding the youth about the risks of the extremism thoughts, adding that facing this scourge requires a collective responsibility.