Yemeni governmental forces

Yemeni governmental forces loyal to President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi managed to achieve notable advance in a number of areas controlled by the Houthi militias and other forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Taiz Governorate in the southern area of the country. According to sources, The government forces took control of the Mount of the Pods, the villages of Al-Mihal, Al-Qahra, Al-Thabat Al-Ahmar and Khalid Bin Al-Waleed School in Al-Qadha district of the Al-Ma'afer Directorate.
The military source revealed that government forces took control of al-Kadihah area and 5 farms north of Al-Mukha city, with air support from Arab coalition fighters. It added that Houthi militias and other forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh launched an attack initially on the positions of government forces in the area of Zahari and its surroundings, and the government forces responded to them.
It pointed out that the fighters launched more than a dozen air raids in those locations, and the air strikes killed and wounded Huthis and Saleh's forces, and the destruction of military equipments. In the city of Sayoun, east of Yemen, a security official told Anatolia that gunmen in a car shot two civilians, Salim bin Taleb and Sultan al-Sayari, killing them immediately.
Fighting continued on more than one front in Yemen on Tuesday, especially in the provinces of Taiz and Lahj. The confrontations between the national army forces on one hand and insurgent militias on the other hand in the surrounding areas on Taiz and its countryside, as the Houthi militias suffer from consecutive defeats during the recent period in the fronts of Mokha and Moze.
Military sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that units of the National Army and the Popular Resistance were able to restore a number of areas in the western areas of the Yemeni province of Taiz, as the militias had imposed their control over Tabat Al Khazan area in previous battles.
They added that the Yemeni forces managed to undermine an attack launched by the insurgents in the countryside of Taiz despite the increasing reinforcements that the militants received to confront the military attack adopted by the Yemeni forces. Sources stressed that the Yemeni forces managed to prevent the insurgents loyal to Houthi militias and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh from achieving advance in the area.
In the same context, the Yemeni national army managed to defuse a large number of explosive devices and mines planted by the insurgent militias in Zenog district of Taiz. According to a statement issued by the Yemeni army, they managed to defuse undermine a network of explosives in the districts liberated by the national army Yemen’s military leader Nabil Al Adimi warned of the danger of the mines and explosives planted by the insurgent militias, saying that such action aims to prevent the Yemeni armed forces from achieving advance in the areas controlled by the militias.
He stressed the army’s readiness for conducting military operations during the coming period to liberate more areas from the grip of Houthi militias and other forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.