Sanaa - Ali Rabea
President Hadi has appointed a new Secretary General and two deputies
Yemen's President Abdu Rabo Mansour Hadi issued a presidential decree on Friday evening to appoint a general secretariat for the National Dialogue Conference, made up of a Secretary General and two deputies. The decree
also assigned them to start preparation immediately.
President Hadi appointed Dr Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, as Secretary General for the Conference, Dr Afrah Alzubh as First Vice-Secretary General and Yasser Alraeina as Second Deputy.
The President's party also acknowledged a list of representatives participating in the conference in a meeting chaired by his predecessor Saleh.
President Hadi is expected to set a date for the Conference this week.
Meanwhile informed sources in the Popular Congress Party ruled out the possibility of former Yemeni president being in the list of party representatives in the dialogue, due to therapeutic arrangements that require him to travel out of the country.
The sources explained that the General Committee of the party (its highest body) held a meeting on Friday night, led by Saleh to confront what it called "developments on the national scene".
They said that he made a guidelines speech on developments in the political arena and the role of the GPC during the next stage.
President Hadi is also expected to issue a number of decisions on structuring the security services and the Ministry of Interior, led by Hadi on both military and security levels.