Houthis militants

Nine Houthis militants were killed and dozens injured in scattered clashes with army forces in Taiz province, which witnessed violent clashes in the last hours, while Al-Salo, south Taiz area, witnessed violent clashes enabled the army to regain a village, and clashes are still going in Al-Hod village, south of the city.

The Yemeni military forces, backed by coalition aircraft, continue the process of combing Mokha city and its surroundings, to hunt the rest of the militants. Houthis militants have killed at least five detainees and about 35 others injured in the central prison in Sana'a.

A Yemeni official source said that Al Qaeda militants took control again on three villages, in Abyan province, south of the country. "The withdrawal of the Security Belt Forces (SBF) from these areas came in protest against the delaying their salaries' payment, which facilitated the entry of militants into the three villages, the official source said. He pointed out that SBF are complaining of a shortage of weapons to confront those who have stepped up their attacks, pointing out that the militants set up checkpoints, in Lauder village, and blew up two security buildings.

Meanwhile, Yemeni sources revealed that warships, believed to be belonging to US, bombed several strongholds of al-Qaeda in Al-Mraakesha Mountains, south of the country.