Taiz - Arab Today
Yemeni pro-government forces backed by Saudi-led air strikes advanced closer towards the western coast of Yemeni city of Taiz on Friday, taking over the Al Sayarba Mountain along the western coastal road, spokesman for Yemen's Military Council Gen. Mansour al-Hassani said. The army is 12 kilometers west of al Mokha city port where “patriot inhabitants will fight side by side with the allied forces,” he said. He added forces will move towards Mokha in three directions, but would not say which directions due to security reasons. Yemeni forces drove out the Houthis from the Dhubab district in the southern province of Taez on Friday, and arrived in Al Gadeeda on Sunday. Their next target will be Mokha, about 30km away, according to a source in the military council of Taez province. Earlier on Thursday, Houthi leader Khaled Al Madani was killed in Nahm district, northeastern Sanaa, Yemeni sources said on Friday. Madani, a kinsman of Houthi leader Abdel Malek al Houthi, was killed on Thursday when his convoy was hit by an RPG.