Syrian regime forces

Two men were killed in a mine explosion in Al-Raqqah city today the 21stof December 2017, raising the number of people who died due to landmine explosions inside the city during traveling in it or while they were trying to return to their homes; to 50 citizens including 12 children and citizen women at least, since about a month in the city where sweeping is continuing by mine removing teams of the Syria Democratic Forces and the International Coalition.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published in late October 2017 that the demining teams of the Syria Democratic Forces and teams of the International Coalition and western parties have stopped their work in the city temporary, following the injury of foreign members of the mine engineering teams and the death of other members as a result of mine explosions.

Regime forces targeted again areas in the Eastern Ghouta, where 5 shells launched by the regime forces and landed on places at the outskirts of Ein Tarma town. Syrian observatory published hours ago that the Syrian Observatory monitored drones targeting areas at the outskirts of Zamalka city in the Eastern Ghouta which is the stronghold of Rahman Corps, where the drones dropped bombs on the city and its outskirts which caused material damage, but no information about casualties so far.

Clashes continue at a pace of violent between the regime forces supported by the regime forces and the militiamen loyal to them against the rebel and Islamic factions and Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham in areas southwest of Rif Dimashq, where the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitored the regime forces continuing their violent attack attempting to achieve an advancement at the expense of the factions, and controlling more places of the besieged area remaining under the control the factions and Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham.

a man was shot by snipers of the factions in area in the vicinity of Fu’ah town, which is inhabited by Shiite citizens in the northeastern countryside Idlib, while a drone dropped several bombs on areas in the town, which caused material damage but no information about injuries.

Areas in Ameriyah village in the northern countryside of Homs were shelled by the regime forces and militiamen loyal to them, by several artillery and rocket shells, which caused material damage but no information about casualties.

the clashes continued between the “Islamic State” organization against Hayyaat Tahrir Al-Sham, in areas in the northeastern countryside of Hama, where the area witnessed hit-and-run operations between both parties, during which Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham were able to regain control of a hill was controlled by the organization, and the clashes were accompanied by exchange of targeting which caused confirmed casualties in the ranks of both parties.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights published yesterday that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights was able to monitor the advancement of the organization’s members and their control of Rasm al-Hamam village, which witnesses each time hit-and-run clashes and switch of control between both parties, and the clashes were accompanied by exchange of targeting between both parties, and information about casualties in their ranks.