Syrian opposition seeks to form unified delegation
The High Negotiations Committee for the Syrian Opposition

The High Negotiations Committee for the Syrian Opposition is meeting on Monday in Riyadh, bringing together representatives from Cairo and Moscow, with the aim of leaving as a unified delegation to the upcoming Geneva peace talks.

According to an Al Arabiya correspondent in Riyadh, 15 topics will be negotiated for arriving at a final decision. Similarly, decisions on Bashar al-Assad’s circumstance will also be deliberated, since the High Committee insists on seeing him leave. Discussions on increasing Geneva’s delegation are also expected.

Some of the participants at the meeting include Salem Al Musalat amd Riyad Naasan Agha from the Higher Committee, George Sabra, from the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, and Gamal Soliman from the Cairo delegation.

Member of the High Negotiations Committee, George Sabra, had previously expressed in conversation with Al Arabiya's Hadath on Sunday evening, that he hopes for the meeting to achieve positive results and to form an opposition delegation with a unified vision.

Meanwhile, the Syrian opposition had postponed the meeting in Riyadh for present date, Monday, due to delays in the arrival of Moscow’s delegation. Spokesman to the High Committee, Salem al-Musallat, said that the meetings will end on the note of announcing the names of the opposition representatives at the Geneva talks.

It is expected that the representatives of the High Negotionations Committee and the Cairo and Moscow bodies will complete discussions on the political solution to the Syrian crisis, specifically the fate of the regime's president, in preparation for forming a unified opposition delegation at the upcoming Geneva talks.

In the same context, the HNC spokesman Salem al-Musalla said that the meetings will end by naming opposition representatives that would be sent to the Geneva negotiations. “Until now, the dispute between us and Moscow-backed platform over the fate of Assad is still unresolved, but we are counting on a change in the Russian position,” opposition spokesman Yahya al-Aridi said.

The Moscow-backed delegation had before refused to partake in the Riyadh meetings, but later changed its objections. A change in Russia’s stance is believed to be the reason behind the delegation. The HNC refused for Assad to remain in power even if for a transitional phase. More so, Cairo expressed its objection to Assad or the regime playing any part in Syria’s future.

On the other hand, Qadri Jamil, heading the Moscow-backed delegation suggested keeping Assad in power and appointing five deputies. The proposal found no approval among opposition forces. Salim al-Musallat, in a statement to Asharq Al-Awsat, reaffirmed that the HNC rejects Assad or the old regime playing any part in Syria’s future, or the transitional period.