The Syrian army forces, backed up by the 4th brigade

The Syrian army forces, backed up by the 4th brigade, launched an extensive assault on the outskirts of Ayn Tarma, in Rif Dimashq Province, in a new violation for the de-escalation agreement. Qaisoun News reported that the army forces launched artillery and missiles shelling on an area located between Jobar neighborhood and Ayn Tarma, then clashes broke out between the regime forces and Syrian rebels in the area.

Moreover, dozens of artillery missiles and ballistic missiles hit the residential neighborhoods in the city, but no casualties were reported. It is noteworthy that the Syrian regime tried to isolate Jobar neighborhood form the villages and towns of Eastern Ghouta area.

In the same context, over 190 civilians have been either killed or wounded in the countryside of Deir Ezzor by US-led coalition, Syrian and Russian airstrikes and missile attack, Qasioun News reported on Sunday. Meanwhile, five civilians were killed in a Syrian shelling on the town of al-Muhasan, in the countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Furthermore, the Syrian army and allied militias, backed by Russian troops, carried out several military operation and air strikes on Albukamal area, east of Deir Ezzor, while 20 civilians were killed by an unknown air strike that was carried out on the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. The Syrian army and its allied militias also managed to destroy headquarters belonging to the Islamic State in al-Jafra Village, near Deir Ezzor Airbase.

It is noteworthy that the Syrian regime managed to recapture large areas in Deir Ezzor and cross the Euphrates River, as well as securing the vicinity of Deir Ezzor Airbase; however, the Islamic State is still controlling al-Mareyia village, east of the airport.

Areas in Al-Naimah town in the eastern countryside of Daraa, were shelled by the regime forces, which caused material damage, without information about casualties, and this shelling came after calmness prevailed the province, since Sunday morning, after the regime forces targeted by heavy machineguns areas in Olama town, which caused material damage, without information about casualties, in which the provinces of the south of Syria since the 9th of the July 2017, are witnessing a Russian-American- Jordanian truce, which was put in affect and still applied in the provinces of Al-Quneitra, Daraa and Al-Suwaidaa.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights learned that the regime forces shelled areas in Al-Sayyad village, in the north-eastern countryside of Hama, which resulted in the injury of two persons. Also the warplanes carried out several raids on areas in the villages of Abu Hbeilat, Abu Hanaya and Suha, in Uqayribat Township in the eastern countryside of Hama, and no information about injuries was reported.

However, the regime forces managed in the 3rd of September 2017, to hold their control on Uqayribat town after violent clashes and intensive aerial and ground shelling on the town which resulted in the death of tens in the ranks of the both parties, then they lost it but they managed to control it again during the past 48 hours.

Calmness returned to Kafr Batna area which is located in the Eastern Ghouta and which is controlled by Al-Rahman Corps in the Eastern Ghouta, after fighting between Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham and Al-Rahman Corps. 15 persons were injured with varying degrees of severity, including 3 citizens, and the sources confirmed to the SOHR that the fighting took place because Al-Rahman Corps prevented the fighters of Hayyaat Tahrir al-Sham to open headquarters of them in Kafr Batna town, to developed from verbal quarrel between them To shootings and clashes that left the casualties mentioned above