Preparations are underway for Egypt's 2011 revolution anniversary celebrations

Preparations are underway for Egypt's 2011 revolution anniversary celebrations Egypt's Revolutionary Youth Union (RYU) has called on people to participate in the demonstrations scheduled to take place on January 25, to continue the Egyptian revolution. Politicians have warned the Muslim Brotherhood not to ignore demands from demonstrators, or else they will see the same fate as ex-President Hosni Mubarak.
In a statement, the Union said that it wanted to celebrate the second anniversary of Egypt’s revolution, stressing that the current rulers stood against the revolt and its objectives. The Union added that the aims of the revolution have not been fully achieved, and the different parties should unite to achieve them regardless of the "disasters" that affected the country over the last few years.
The statement said that Egypt's new constitution ignored values of social justice and freedom, while the Muslim Brotherhood marginalised the different parties during the drafting process. RYU concluded that Egypt needs to "unite against the Muslim Brotherhood on January 25."