Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshaal

Mahmoud Abbas and Khaled Meshaal Gaza – Mohammed Habib Hamas has started allowing Fatah members to return to the Gaza Strip for the first time since 2007. The Gaza Government Media Office Director Ihab al-Ghussein said the move was a “gesture of good will,” aimed at creating a positive climate for reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. Fatah has welcomed the decision, with the movement’s Gaza spokesperson Dr Fayez Abu Aita referring to it as a “positive step along the route to Palestinian national unity.” The decision affects 20 Fatah employees who fled Gaza after the events of 2007. Fatah members will be allowed into Gaza “beginning Monday December 3 2012 through the Rafah border crossing,” spokesperson for the Gaza Ministry of the Interior Islam Shahwan explained.
Fatah-Hamas relations are currently experiencing a notable thaw spurred by Hamas’ support of Abbas’ successful bid to have Palestine recognised by the United Nations General Assembly as a non-member observer state. Amin Maqbul of the Fatah Revolutionary Council welcomed the move and expressed his hope for reconciliation. Maqbul said the role of “sister” Egypt will promote more effective results of the meeting of Palestinian factions in Cairo. A Palestinian source had reported that Palestinian Authority President Mohammed Abbas was waiting for Egypt to instigate contact between himself and Hamas chief Khaled Mishaal. Observers now believe reconciliation is indeed on the cards as rumours have been circulating in Palestinian circles about a Thursday visit by Abbas to Cairo to draw–up the reconciliation agreement. In another sign of warmer relations between the two factions, Hamas official Salah Bardawil described the speech made by Abbas at the United Nations General Assembly meeting as “realistic and not touching upon any political fantasies or provocations.” In a press statement, the Hamas official emphasised the need to proceed with the reconciliation plan.
President Abbas also promised he would accelerate the reconciliation process in a speech he made to thousands of euphoric Palestinians who had gathered outside his residence upon his return from the UN mission. Palestinian Liberation Organisation member Saeb Erekat said a date has not been set for Abbas’ visit to Cairo, but that it had been agreed that between Morsi and Abbas that the latter would visit Egypt after his UN visit, emphasising that reconciliation is at the top of Abbas’ post-UN priorities. Another member of the PLO Wassel Abu Yussef said on Sunday that Palestinian factions are waiting for the green light from Egypt within the next few days.