Jordanian King Abdullah conducted talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin

Jordanian King Abdullah conducted talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday to discuss the regional developments, including the Syrian crisis. They also discussed the bilateral relations and the ways to increase consultations between the two countries regarding the issues of common interest during the coming period.

In press statements, the Jordanian king expressed his pleasure for visiting Moscow and meeting with President Putin, expressing his appreciation to the special relations between the two countries. He said, “I am looking forward to discuss our bilateral relations and the other issues in which Russia performs a major role especially in our region.”

He added, “We fully support the results of Astana meeting held this week. We appreciate the Russian role in these efforts aiming to achieve an inclusive future for all components of the Syrian people.” He stressed that the Russian role is critical to overcome the challenges.

On the other hand, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin welcomed the visit of the Jordanian king, expressing his pleasure for contacting with him. He stressed that the talks focus on the recent developments in the Middle East .

Putin expressed his appreciation to the Jordanian support for Astana talks, stressing the importance of cease fire agreement on the basis of which the world leaders can find political solution