ISIS extremist group launched air raids against areas liberated

ISIS extremist group launched air raids against areas liberated recently from its control in the Iraqi city of Mousl, as the militia found the bodies of its military leader and four of its assisstants at Salah Al Din governorate after days of disappearance.

According to Iraqi military media cell, Popular Mobilization Forces managed to kill 60 militants loyal to the extremist group in the western area of Mousl. It added that the Iraqi forces found a network of tunnels to smuggle the weapons in Anbar.

Local sources revealed that ISIS launched ten raids using drones against Nabi Younis district, adding that the extremist group raided also Masaref district in Mousl's left bank. They added that the attacks led to the killing of four civilians and injury of other seven persons.

They added that the security forces transferred the injured people to the near hospitals to receive treatment, while the dead bodies have been transferred to the forensic.

UN representative to Iraq Jan Kubis expressed his concerns over the recent threats the members of High Electoral Commission received calling then for resuming their work to prepare for the coming elections.

He expressed protest against the attacks against the demonstrators on Saturday. According to a statement from the commission, the UN official met with the commission to express support for it during the coming period.

He praised the efforts exerted by the commission to develop its performance during the coming period using technical ways stressing the UN support for the coming elections as the cornerstone of the democratic process in Iraq.