Iraqi military leaders

Iraqi military leaders expected to liberate the right bank of Mousl from ISIS control more quickly than what happened during the liberalization of the city's left bank.

According to a statement from Iraq's Ministry of Defense, the military leaders build their expectations on the high damages that hit the militias during the battle on both military and humanitarian levels.

It added that the liberalization of the city's left bank increased the confidence of the Iraqi troops during the coming battle, as it forced also the enemy to retreat, saying that they turned to use subversive methods to prevent the advance of the troops.

In the same context, Iraqi aircrafts threw millions of leaflets on the areas of the western side of the city, announcing the victory of Iraqi troops against the militants. They also promised the residents to resume their efforts to liberate the western side, calling them for cooperation.

On the other hand, High Commission of Human Rights criticized the extremist groups for the violations committed against the civilians in the city's left bank, saying that the violations led to the killing of hundreds of people.

On the other hand, Anti-Extremism Center warned of the notable progress witnessed on the air capabilities of ISIS, as it published documents revealing that the extremist group obtained drones to use them in the battles against the Iraqi troops.