Forces control buildings and deploy snipers in Mousl
Iraqi Federal police troops stormed Bab Al Tob district

Iraqi Federal police troops stormed Bab Al Tob district of Mousl’s right bank, as they controlled a number of buildings in which they deployed snipers. Meanwhile, Iraqi joint forces resumed their advance towards their objectives to liberate the city in cooperation with the Iraqi fighter jets and International Coalition’s air forces.

The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell said Sunday Federal Police and Rapid Response teams invaded Bab al-Toub, an area adjacent to the Old City. It said the snipers were deployed above the district’s highest buildings. The teams are also conducting searches and evacuating civilians from the neighboring Okaidat and Dawasah districts.

According to the statement, the Iraqi troops managed to kill a number of extremists and destroy six bombing wheels and a motorcycle in addition to bombing over 15 explosive devices. It added that they resumed cleansing the liberated villages and areas from the remnants of the extremist group.

Iraqi Federal Police announced on Sunday liberating Souk al-Arbaa and al-Remah Square in Bab al-Toub, in central Mosul. Federal Police Chief, Lieutenant General Raed Shaker Jawdat, said in a press statement, “Troops of the Federal Police liberated Souk al-Arbaa and al-Remah Square in Bab al-Toub, in central Mosul.”

Earlier today, the Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell announced that elite Counter-Terrorism Forces also took over al-Aghawat district, near Mosul’s Old City.

Nineveh Province is witnessing extensive military operations, after Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced launching an offensive to liberate the western side of the city of Mosul, in addition to capturing the last stronghold of the Islamic State in the city.

In Anbar, military leader Mahmoud Al Felahi revealed that a force from Anbar operations and other security agencies found a camp for training ISIS elements, saying that they killed four suicide attackers and destroyed three bombing wheels and a motorcycle. He revealed that the operation has been conducted in cooperation with the International Coalition’s fighter jets.

On the other hand, Iraq’s Speaker of parliament Seleim Al Jabori called for not entering debates that could undermine the security forces in their fight against extremism. He added, in a statement, that it is necessary to help the displaced people and to provide them with the necessary needs.

He added, “The country needs cooperation between the different political parties to provide psychological support for the security forces.”