Egyptian Intelligence authorities

Media sources revealed the role performed by Egyptian Intelligence authorities to record the meeting witnessed in the Swiss capital of Geneva on May 21 between Tunisian businessperson Shafiq Graya arrested in accusation of plotting state security with Libyan terrorist leaders in addition to a number of weapons’ traders.
According to sources, this meeting was devoted to planning the introduction of large quantities of arms into the Libyan territory, as the arms dealer pledged to acquire it from an Eastern European country, while the Tunisian businessperson pledged to secure the entry of arms shipment to Libya through the Tunisian territories. He reassured the attendants, confirming his ability to control the road and secure the entry of the shipment without any risk.
The Tunisian military judiciary on Friday (May 26th) issued an arrest warrant against businessman Shafik Al-Gariyah for "treason", "assault on state security", "conspiracy" and "putting himself at the disposal of a foreign army”, Which are punishable by death.
For the reference, Shafiq Al-Graya began his life as a vegetable vendor roving in the province of Sfax, in southern Tunisia and “thanks to his intelligence, he is a businessman who runs projects on four continents for hundreds of billions," he told a Tunisian television channel last year. And he explained that he was one of the supporters and financiers of the Tunisian Party “NidaaTounes”.
For reference the Tunisian government on Tuesday launched a series of arrests of businessmen suspected of corruption, while the government faces strong pressure to combat the phenomenon that spread in the country during the days of former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and continued after the revolution.