Egyptian forces have arrested 19 Palestinians sneaking across the border through tunnels

Egyptian forces have arrested 19 Palestinians sneaking across the border through tunnels Egyptian armed forces have continued their campaign to control cross-border tunnels running between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, amid an intensified military presence in areas bordering the Hamas-controlled territory. Egyptian forces arrested 19 Palestinians in Ismailia in northern Sinai, after reportedly sneaking across the border through tunnels, sources said.
Eyewitnesses have meanwhile reported a noticeable tightening of security measures by Egypt’s Central Security Forces (CSF).
Troops have established guards at every entrance to Rafah, which borders the Gaza Strip, while patrolling vehicles and four tanks comb the area for suspected Palestinian militants.
Local motorists and passengers are also being subjected to regular stop and searches, while their identity cards are examined.
Security sources have meanwhile reported the arrest of a Palestinian man working at Arish International Airport.
The man, described by sources as a “pilgrim,” was allegedly found to be carrying seven rounds of ammunition as well as a video clip of a Hamas paramilitary group wearing uniforms similar to those worn by the Egyptian army.
Egyptian authorities have stepped up their campaign to flood and destroy cross-border tunnels, which they claim are used by Hamas to smuggle weapons and drugs into the Gaza Strip.