Egypt’s Friday death toll reaches 127
Clashes in Cairo between supporters and opponents of Mohammed Morsi

Clashes in Cairo between supporters and opponents of Mohammed Morsi 127 people were killed in Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt and almost 5500 wounded across the country on Friday, while on Saturday pro-Morsi protestors in Cairo came under fire on Saturday morning they attempted to continue their sit-in in support of the deposed president.
Clashes broke out near Alexandria\'s al-Qaed Ibrahim mosque on Friday afternoon, with security forces using teargas to disperse the crowds.
Ministry of Health official in Alexandria, Ibrahim al-Rouby, confirmed that two demonstrators died from gunshot wounds to the chest.? He added that 19 people were being treated at Amiri University Hospital, with nine others being treated on site.
Clashes also erupted in the region of Ibrahimeya, near Sidi Gaber Square, where pro-military protesters were seen carrying placards with the message: \"No To Terrorism.\"
In Cairo, thousands of protesters took to the streets in rival demonstrations on Friday afternoon, with anti-Morsi protesters marching towards Tahrir Square, as his supporters headed to Rabaa el-Adaweya and Nahda Square in Giza.
Armed forces chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called on Wednesday for Egyptians to protest in order to give the army a \"mandate\" to tackle terrorism, a move some observers see as a direct provocation towards Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
The army toppled the Brotherhood-led government on July 3 following mass demonstrations against the rule of former president Morsi.
A health ministry official told al-Watan news that 10 people were injured during clashes in Shubra and eight in el-Haras ?Square in Damietta. Six protesters reportedly fainted in Tahrir Square due to the large crowd and high temperatures.?
Before the two casualties in Alexandria were announced, officials had reported that 10 protesters were injured when both sides threw bricks at each other.
Further casualties were reported during a violent confrontation between opposing protesters after Friday prayers in Cairo\'s al-Khazendar mosque.
Eyewitnesses told Arab Today that Morsi’s supporters attempted to enter the mosque chanting ? slogans against General Sisi, leading to clashes with Morsi supporters.
The Imam of Cairo’s Omar Makram mosque, Sheikh Mazhar Shahin, addressed Tahrir Square during Friday prayers, saying the Egyptian people were giving General Sisi his sought-after mandate to prevent violence and terrorism.
Meanwhile, a few miles away in Rabaa el-Adaweya Square, Sheikh Abdel Rahman el-Bar delivered a rival Friday sermon during which he urged to military commander to bring an end to the division. \"Return to ?God,\" the iman vowed, \"and remember the ?moment when you will be in front of Allah. What will you say about the bloodshed that happened under your ?command and with your permission?\"