Cairo - Arab Today
Egyptian Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim
Up to 19 people were injured in the failed assassination attempt against Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, said a senior security source on Thursday.
The injured include a British woman, he added in press statements to MENA. They include also four officers, one of them is in dangerous condition, six non-commissioned officers and eight civilians, he added.
Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim said on Thursday that an attempt on his life earlier in the day will not dissuade him from maintaining his war against terrorism.
In statements to MENA, he added that he is adamant on resuming his fierce war against terrorism that is seeking to wreak havoc with Egypt\'s security and stability.
He noted that he had expected such operations against him after clearing the sits-in at Raba el-Adaweya and Nahda squares last month.
He asserted that the war on terrorism by his ministry will not stop even if he would be killed. Somebody else will take over and resume this war until the end, he added.
Source: MENA