Clashes erupted Wednesday among groups

Clashes erupted Wednesday among groups of gunmen of Omar Al-Mukhtar operations room near Martuba checkpoint in east Derna. According to eyewitnesses, the gunmen used light weapons to resolve the dispute over who should be controlling the checkpoint that separate Derna from the areas eastward.
"The gunmen, after internal clashes, opened fire on Derna locals who were gathering there since early morning to enter Martuba to buy basic needs after all of the city's entrances and exits have been closed for two weeks." Eyewitnesses added. According to sources, the reason behind the clashes was that some of the gunmen wanted to open the road for Derna residents to enter Martuba, while others disagreed.
Tens of Derna locals gather every day in front of Martuba road's checkpoint hoping to get a pass to go and buy whatever they could find of the needed basic needs like foods, medicines and fuel after the siege of Haftar-led forces had left the city on the verge of a humanitarian disaster. Meanwhile, the head of the Derna local council, Awad Al-Aweij, said in presser in Tripoli that the city has become a disaster, calling on the residents to break the siege.
He also urged local and international organizations and officials to lift the siege on Derna and allow the basic needs and services to enter the city urgently via humanitarian corridors.
"Derna's port is ready to receive the humanitarian aids as it is the fastest way to get this issue over with and save the lives of the besieged civilians because to allow the siege to continue means that some are taking part in a group punishment for Derna residents." The head of the council added.
In the same context, armed groups engaged in heavy fighting in Janan Atia district in Ajaylat town, some 80 kilometers west of Tripoli, on Wednesday, leaving a number of people dead and others wounded. Local sources said the fighting first erupted between two families earlier this week, but later it intensified into heavy exchange of fire between armed groups supporting the warring families.
Many people fled their homes in panic while several buildings were damaged. The reason of the clashes is not known, but some sources claimed it was a tribal dispute. Ajaylat mayor Kamal Zayad said mediation efforts are being exerted to calm down the tension, demanding Tripoli-based ministries of interior and defense to intervene to stop the fighting.
The National Commission for Human Rights in Libya expressed concern over the deterioration of security situations in the town. It said in a statement, the fighting amounts to a war crime due to the use of medium and heavy weapons in densely populated areas.