Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutaflika appointed Abdel Maguid Taboon

Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutaflika appointed Abdel Maguid Taboon as a prime minister to succeed former Prime Minister Abdel Malek Salal who submitted his resignation from his position. According to a statement issued by Algerian presidency, the resignation of the prime minister comes upon the results of the recent parliamentary elections held on May 4.
The statement added that the president accepted the resignation of Salal’s government and appointed Tabonn after holding consultation with the parliamentary majority. The president's party, the National Liberation Front, and its coalition won a majority in the May 4 elections.
“Following the Constitutional Council’s announcement of the final results of recent legislative polls [held on May 4]… Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal submitted his resignation today to President Bouteflika,” the statement read.  “The president congratulated Sellal and members of his government for their good performance during their time in office,” it added.
Tabboun, 71, who replaces Sellal, is a member of Bouteflika’s ruling National Liberation Front (FLN). Along with serving as housing minister since 2012, he was also given the commerce portfolio -- on a temporary basis -- following the death earlier this year of former Commerce Minister Bakhti Belaib
A graduate of Algeria’s National School of Administration, which has produced many of the country’s politicians since Algeria achieved independence in 1962, Tabboun held various ministerial posts between 1990 and 2002.