A number of prominent leaders of Algeria’s Community of Peace

A number of prominent leaders of Algeria’s Community of Peace, political arm of Muslim Brotherhood, expressed their refusal to the offer of President Abdel Aziz Boutaflika to join the government scheduled to be formed during the coming days
The movement’s Chairperson Abdel Aziz Maqree strongly criticized the other wing calling for joining the government, describing them as opportunistic. He said that they want to join the government to achieve personal gains at the expense of the interests of their party or the Algerian people. He stressed that opportunistic people turn to support the corrupt regimes to achieve gains at the expense of the interests of people.
A state of controversy has been raised inside the Algerian community over whether Muslim Brotherhood will participate in the government or not, as Algerian Community of Peace, political arm of Muslim Brotherhood, received an offer from Algerian presidency to join the government.
The offer raised a state of division among the leaders of the group. Current Chairperson of Algeria’s Community of Peace Abdel Aziz Moqree expressed his readiness to participate in the government if the ruling authorities kept the integrity of elections. He also stressed the need for achieving accordance over the program adopted by the new government.
Leading member of Algeria’s Community of Peace Nasser Hemdadosh said that there major standards upon which the party should take its decision whether to participate in the new government or not, including the integrity of parliamentary elections. He said that the recent parliamentary elections, held on May 4, witnessed increasing violations from the ruling National Liberation Front, saying that the rulers provided a clear evidence that they do not intend to achieve serious reform.
He expressed his support for the decision taken by Maqree not to join the new government, saying that he took the choice of opposition. He stressed that it is the only way to gain the respect of the Algerian people during the coming period, blaming the government for what he described as systematic fraud of the previous elections.