Police block off streets in Algiers

Police block off streets in Algiers A number of Algerians took to the streets on Thursday in a spontaneous demonstration outside the Egyptian embassy in Algiers, expressing their refusal to the excessive use of violence against Islamist demonstrators.
The rally comes after Wednesday\'s operation to clear protests in support of ousted president Mohammed Morsi. Around 525 were killed, marking the country\'s bloodiest day in decades.
Algerian protesters stressed the need for legitimacy in Egypt, urging for an end to the military coup. Citizens emphasised that they do not belong to any political party, but expressed their refusal against violence.
Protesters held banners reading: “No to violence. Yes to freedom, dignity and humanity” and denounced the killings of Egyptian citizens.
Meanwhile, a number of Algerian intellectuals, journalists, media figures and activists have also announced a demonstration on Saturday outside the Egyptian embassy. They have called upon Algerian people to take part in their rally, voicing their refusal against violence.