Political forces and opposition in Algeria

Political forces and opposition in Algeria have stepped up their rhetoric and unanimously agreed on the seriousness of the political situation in the country, given the signs of confusion on the institution of the presidency. They called for the need for a deep political change to save the Algerian state, at a time when the leadership of the military establishment in the country itself from the political debate in the country.

The Algerian military expressed its refusal to take any political step and to violate its constitutional powers, despite the increasing demands from major political figures to the Algerian military to interfere to prevent what they described as the collapse of the state.

The New Generation party, led by Gilali Sufian, insisted that Article 102 of the February 2016 Constitution should be expedited in order to find a solution to the serious political crisis in Algeria. In the opinion of the political group, the most appropriate solution to get out of the current crisis is implement a number political reforms, starting with the election of a new president of Algeria.

The political group called for the need to activate Article 102 of the Constitution, through the declaration of presidential vacancy or the approval of the Algerian President to organize presidential elections in advance.

The New Generation party saw that the future president of the country would have to carry deep real reforms through an electoral mandate that would serve as a transitional mandate from the current system to the actual building of the rule of law. He stressed that the new president should launch a political call for conducting a dialogue with different political parties to achieve serious political and economic reforms.

He explained that NGP will reveal its final stand from localities elections, scheduled for the period from November to December, in September 16, at the meeting of the National Council.
Sufian Gilali refused to confirm the validity of information that the trend within the political group is to enter the next election after the party announced its boycott earlier in the parliamentary elections, held on May 4 last.

He said that his political group deliberately postponed the decision on this issue compared to other parties, referring to the party's desire to identify the government's intention to deal with current issues and the extent of its commitment to open a dialogue with the opposition.
Gilali stressed NGP has already expressed its readiness to engage in path of change announced by Algerian PM, especially if his speech and all the promises that he launched will be implemented.

On the other hand, The leading member of the Society for Peace movement, the largest brotherhood party in Algeria, Abdel Rahman Saidi, announced that his movement is waiting for many major political stakes during the next stage which would be a surprise. 

He added, in interview with Egypt Today, that it will not be easy for Society for Peace to emerge safely during the transitional period, although the movement's president, Abd al-Razzaq al-Muqri, has drafted the movement's basic law on his own way. 

He noted that al-Muqri tightened his grip on the transitional period, which will be led by former Minister of

Industry Abdul Majeed Manassrah after the unity conference between Change Front and his movement that took place last Saturday.