Spa Secrets is excited to announce its iPad and iPhone app is now available in the App Store. Free to download, the app appears in the Apple Newsstand on mobile devices. In partnership with PixelMags, the app enables users to read the magazine offline and in landscape or portrait view as well as offering a fast and easy search function, contents, bookmark features, sharing facilities and full online support. The latest issue is available to download at a cost of £1.99 per issue – back issues are available too – while a one-year subscription costs from £6.99 for 12 months. The option for future issues to be pushed and downloaded is also on offer. The Winter issue has been made available for an introductory price of £0.69 for download. Editor Katie Reich-Storer said: “The iPad is the ideal platform for Spa Secrets enabling readers to really appreciate this vibrant and elegant luxury title. Designed for the modern woman of today this app sits hand in hand with her busy lifestyle offering expert advice, trend alerts, lively interviews, tried and tested reviews and exclusive incentives.”