Cairo - MENA
The Russian Federal Migration Service from beginning of the current year has banned for ten years entering the country for 25 foreign citizens, TASS cited the authority’s head Konstantin Romodanovsky as saying.
“The Service has made already first 25 decisions on banning entrance for ten years,” he said.
From January 2015, the Service has the right to ban entrance to Russia for foreigners, who have been staying in Russia for a year and have not registered with local migration services.
“If a person has been staying for over 120 days and has not applied to a migration service, the entrance will be closed for three years. If the term is over 207 days, the entrance is closed for five years. If 360, then for ten years,” he said.
Quite soon, labor migrants will have to leave their finger prints, so that people using faked documents could not enter the Russian Federation if earlier entrance had been banned for them.
“We have been working on organization of collecting finger prints at border crossing locations, and everyone will have to undergo the procedure,” the official said.