The Polish pilot hailed as a hero for his smooth emergency landing of a Boeing airliner remained modest on Wednesday in his first public appearance, saying he felt \"huge relief\" once his passengers evacuated the plane, but wondered whether he could have done better. Captain Tadeusz Wrona landed the plane on its belly at Warsaw international airport, gaining instant hero status in Poland. \"When I stopped on the runway, I still was not sure that everyone was safe because smoke and some burning from friction appeared on the ground,\" Wrona told reporters at a news conference. \"I felt huge relief when the head flight attendant reported that the plane was empty.\" Passengers on board the plane described Tuesday\'s landing as so smooth they thought they had landed on wheels. However, sparks, smoke and small fires under the plane erupted on landing, and emergency workers immediately doused the plane with water. One reporter asked him about the exceptional landing. Wrona joked he heard a passenger complain from the back about feeling a bump. That elicited chuckles from the reporters. Several Facebook pages sprang up immediately on Tuesday to express admiration for Wrona, with some calling him a \"superhero\". \"Fly like an eagle and land like a crow,\" runs one phrase coined by fans on Facebook, a play on the word \"wrona\", which in Polish means crow.