The 16th Pan American Games has boosted tourism in host city Guadalajara and the surrounding places, an official of the Tourism Administration of the Jalisco State, with Guadalajara as its capital, said on Monday. According to Aurelio Lopez Rocha, director of the Tourism Administration of Jalisco State, since the opening of the Pan American Games, visitors swarmed to downtown Guadalajara, Tequila, which is famous for Tequila wine, Chapala, Mexico\'s largest freshwater lake, and the cities of Tapalpa and Ciudad Guzman. The hotel occupancy rate has reached a record high and visitors have to queue up in front of the famous restaurants. \"We keep an optimistic expectation to the tourism revenue during the period of Pan American Games. We predicted that the number of visitors could reach 800 thousand with the revenue of 1 billion pesos (77 million U.S. dollars),\" he said.