Overseas agents representing Oman\'s Ministry of Tourism in key source markets around the world met in Salalah late last week to explore ways to raise the sultanate\'s profile globally.The ministry has created a network of ‘Market Business Representatives\' (MBRs) that serve as focal points in countries from where the bulk of tourists visiting Oman originate. These MBRs are currently located in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, the GCC states, India and Australia. While the European and GCC states accounted for the vast majority of the estimated two million visitors to Oman last year, Russia, India and Australia are considered promising source markets.Meeting in Salalah for the first time, the MBRs conferred with local tourism officials, as well as representatives of the tourism industry. They discussed ways to promote Oman, and Salalah in particular, in their respective countries.The MBRs have been credited with strengthening links between the Omani Tourism Ministry and major industry players in their respective countries. This has led to the better positioning of Oman as a tourist destination, resulting in rising tourist traffic flows from these markets to the sultanate. From / Gulf News