He denied the charge in the Court of First Instance.

A Russian man, who allegedly assaulted a policeman at the Dubai airport, has been charged in court.

The 33-year-old man is accused of resisting the policeman who was then carrying out his duty at the Dubai International Airport. He pushed the officer, pressed on his eye and kicked him in the abdomen when the latter tried to keep him off a zone in the airport designated as restricted. He denied the charge in the Court of First Instance.

According to public prosecution records, the incident took place on November 26, 2017. "I was on the job at the airport at 2.45am when I was informed that a passenger had just exited through the emergency gate which leads to the hangar," a policeman said. "That area is hazardous and thus strictly designated as off-limits to all passengers as planes pass through it. I went to the passenger and asked him to stop."

In his deposition before the investigators, the police officer also said the defendant ignored him. "I chased him and kept ordering him to stop and return, in vain. As I grabbed him, he fiercely resisted. He pushed me and then pressed hard on my eyes. He kicked me with his knees on my stomach. I could not chase him further because of my injury. I, then, called the operation room at the airport and raised the alarm. I learned later that he got caught."

The police officer got a medical report from the emergency section of a hospital on the injury he was left with because of the assault.