Kuala Lumpur - KUNA
Malaysian Minister of Tourism and Culture Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz on Wednesday proposed the cancellation of visa between member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The cancellation aims at making movement in and out of the OIC countries easier, which will help develop tourism as well, said the Minister on sidelines of the 3rd World Islamic Tourism Conference, held in Kuala Lumpur.
Unlike Muslim states, non-Muslim countries such as China, Australia, New Zealand and Japan have succeeded in creating Islamic tourism by establishing numbers of mosques at touristic sites, while also opening restaurants providing "Halal" food to attract Muslim tourists, he noted.
These countries have been able to develop this sector of tourism since they have strong economy and good level of security, he explained. However, Abdul Aziz stressed that Muslim states have the main elements for tourism including historic and cultural sites, as well as nature.
Malaysia has been internationally recognized as the best Islamic tourism destination in the past six years, said the Minister, adding that the reason behind this success is the country's investment in human resources.
The 3rd Tourism Conference is part of the Fifth World Biz and Muslim World Biz Exhibition and Conference held from 10 to 14 November. The World Biz aims to showcase Malaysia as a regional hub for debating development in the Islamic world, and aiding the OIC member countries to achieve economic growth.
The conference also involves discussing new joint investment opportunities, developing inter-Islamic trade cooperation and creating a better commercial exchange among the OIC states.