The British government warned that terrorists\' attacks in Kenya are likely, adding its nationals are advised to avoid traveling near the border with Somalia. \"In late October we were aware of credible information suggesting the threat of a terrorist attack in Kenya,\" a warning from the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office read. \"Kenyan institutions could be targeted as could places where foreigners gather.\" A grenade attack injured 12 people at a nightclub in central Nairobi following a weekend warning of an \"imminent attack\" from the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi. \"There is a high threat from terrorism in Kenya,\" the British warning read. \"Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travelers.\" The attack followed a raid on Somalia\'s al-Shabaab by the Kenyan military, which said it was responding to a spate of kidnappings along the northern Kenyan border. The FCO said it was advising against traveling within 90 miles of the Somali border following the kidnapping of Westerners in the area. Marie Dedieu, a women\'s rights activist and actor, was reported dead by French officials after she was kidnapped Oct. 1 from a beach house near the Kenyan border with Somalia. She required regular medication to combat cancer. Two Spanish aid workers working with Doctors without Borders were also kidnapped near the Kenyan border with Somalia.