Wellington - XINHUA
The amount of holiday visitors from China to New Zealand in October 2015 increased 43 percent from October last year, New Zealand national statistic agency said on Monday.
According to the latest data released by New Zealand Statistics, visitor arrivals to New Zealand numbered 229,400 in October 2015, up 9 percent from October 2014. Much of the increase was Chinese holiday visitors.
In the October 2015 year, New Zealand visitor arrivals totaled 3.06 million, up 9 percent from the previous year. Australia contributed 1.31 million visitors, followed by China's 335,400 visitors. 237,700 visitor arrivals were from United States.
Meanwhile, 10,800 of migrant arrivals were from China in October 2015, with just under half having student visas.
New Zealand residents took 217,000 overseas trips in October 2015, up 5 percent from October 2014. Most of the increase was to Britain due to the Rugby World Cup.
"The final stages of the Rugby World Cup coincided with twice as many New Zealand residents travelling to the UK than in October last year," population statistics manager Vina Cullum said.
New Zealand residents took a record 2.39 million overseas trips in the October 2015 year, up 6 percent. Almost half their trips were to Australia.