Tirana - XINHUA
Nearly 487,300 foreign visitors entered Albania in the first quarter 2015, with an increase of 1.3 percent compared to the same period of 2014, Albanian Telegraphic Agency reported on Wednesday.
The number of foreign visitors who came for holidays and daily visits in this quarter amounted to 47,646 visitors, compared to 58,893 in the same quarter a year ago.
During January-March 2015, the major share with 84.4 percent was held by foreign visitors arriving in by land, 12.9 percent by air and 2.7 percent by sea.
Compared with the same period of 2014, the number of visitors for personal purposes in the first three months of 2015 rose by 1.1 percent. Visitors for business purposes constitute 2 percent of the total number of foreigners. Visitors from European countries topped tourist numbers during January-March 2005.