Dubai’s Global Investments Limited, a Dubai based company has acquired a 51 percent controlling interest in Togo-based Africa West cargo airline. Middle Eastern logistics veteran Issa Baluch has been appointed as Chairman, with Kannan Nachiappan, Jassem Haider, Zein Baluch, Claude Sitterlin as the new board of Directors of the company. Yannick Erbs has retained his position as CEO of Africa West and remains on the directors’ board too. “This is a very exciting time for Africa West as we welcome the new management team led by Issa Baluch,” Erbs commented. “We have known each other for a long time and have collaborated in numerous projects involving air freight into Africa so this alliance feels very natural. I believe this management under GSA Global Investments Limited has doubly equipped Africa West in covering more trade lanes leading to and from the West African market.” The cargo airline has also recently added two new destinations to its network, Freetown and Monrovia, which brings the total of scheduled destinations served across West Africa to ten, with a number of additional destinations served on request. Additionally, Africa West has a dedicated 1800 square metre warehouse in Lome that provides secure transfers to onward destinations. Africa West operates freighter services from Europe, Asia and the Middle East direct to Lome; and has recently commenced new direct operations from the USA and Milan with an MD11-F aircraft, with more services and destinations in the pipeline, which the company plans to announce in the near future. Dubai-based Air Cargo Trader will continue to act as Africa West’s GSA in the UAE, India, as well as other Asian countries.