Boeing said net orders for its new 747-8 jumbo jets, the planemaker\'s largest model, fell by five as leasing company Dubai Aerospace Enterprise Ltd converted those sales to 777s. The switch was confirmed yesterday by Jim Proulx, a spokesman, as Chicago-based Boeing released its weekly orders and totals for October. Dubai Aerospace will take five 777 freighters, instead of the cargo version of the new 747-8, and will lease them to Emirates. The shift from the four-engine 747-8 to the twin-engine, wide-body 777 is a blow to Boeing\'s jumbo-jet programme. The US company now has 102 unfilled orders for the 747-8 and its cargo-only version, including 10 of the freighter variants still on the books for Dubai Aerospace. It has delivered four planes so far, starting last month with Cargolux Airlines International. Dubai Aerospace\'s move adds to Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings\' decision last month to cancel three 747-8 freighters out of an order for 12. That company cited \"lengthy delays and performance considerations\" in changing its contracts for the plane, which was two years late in entering service. Cargolux has been pleased with the 747-8 freighter\'s performance so far, Boeing Commercial Airplanes President Jim Albaugh said on Thursday at a Goldman Sachs conference in Boston. Boeing still has commitments for another 20 jumbo jets from other customers that haven\'t yet been signed.