Acclaimed novelist Iain Banks has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and has less than a year to live. Banks, who was listed by The Times as being one of the greatest 50 British post warwriters, issued a statement on his website, where he frankly said “I am officially very poorly.” After complaining to his doctor of back problems, an ultrasound scan revealed that Banks has in fact got cancer of the gall bladder, which has infected his liver and pancreas. The complications of the disease and the rate in which it has spread mean that any chance of surgery has been ruled out. Banks has confirmed that in the short time he has left, he intends on marrying his partner, taking a short honeymoon and spending time with family and friends. His debut novel, The Wasp Factory, released in 1984 was voted as one of top 100 books of the 20th century.  His latest novel, The Quarry, is being pushed forward several months for early release. He has confirmed that it will be his last.