A novel steeped in the mystery and intrigue that is DNA forensics, “Rise, Rise, Dark Horses of American Noir: A Postmodern Mystery” (published by iUniverse) has been selected for inclusion in the iUniverse Rising Star program, which recognizes excellence in writing and overall potential. Author Konrad Ventana plumbs the depths of human depravity with a lyrical intensity that increases with dramatic action and mounting suspense to a fever pitch, vividly revealing the shock and horror of institutionalized crime. Steeped in the hardboiled old-school police procedurals of bygone times, protagonist Detective Dash Brogan recruits Cornell Westerly, Ph.D., an expert in DNA analysis, to be his apprentice crime scene investigator. Ventana writes from Cornell’s point of view as a young, fresh-out-of-college protégé, who braves the notorious mean streets of the City of Angels in search of redemption, love and forensic truth. An excerpt from “Rise, Rise, Dark Horses of American Noir”: “Detective Dash Brogan clinked his empty glass against my raised cup of coffee, and he said the most amazing thing: ‘I realize you’re a top-flight scientist and all that, and I’m just an old bloodhound. But I do remember reading something that Albert Einstein wrote some time ago. He said, “the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Source: PRWEB