Paranormal romances’ have always intrigued young author Alexis McIntosh, sparking her first novel for all ages, “Dark Dreams.” “Dark Dreams” is a mystery thriller about an infant, Amethyst, being kidnapped and raised with hatred and fear towards her biological parents. Paradoxical scenes takes place and she will stop at nothing to fulfill her destiny as a hero. “This book is about being who you are no matter what anyone tells you,” said McIntosh. McIntosh plans to donate her proceeds from the novel to her local church and other various non-profit organizations in the area. “I wouldn’t have been able to write this novel without the help of my church, family and teachers,” said McIntosh. “I feel it’s best to give back to the community who encourages you to reach for the stars.” “Dark Dreams” By: Alexis McIntosh ISBN: 978-1-4931-7257-3 Retail price: $13.85 Available in hardcover, paperback and e-book. Source: PRWEB