Three years ago, dog lover and author Laura Lavayén delivered her Spanish-language novel, “Los dueños de la ciudad” (published by Trafford Publishing), a book that centers on the responsibility to protect and care for dogs. The book will be featured at the 2014 Liber International Book Fair. Over 12,000 industry professionals from Spain and Latin America will attend the 2014 Edition of Liber, which will be held in Barcelona, October 1 – October 3. With “Los dueños de la ciudad”, Lavayén has created a fictional story to add a more personal appeal to her campaign to help dogs. As Lavayén explains, far too many dogs roam city streets without food, shelter or the loving touch of a human. She believes dogs’ rights and feelings are being ignored. “They are often treated like objects of possession,” says Lavayén, “rather than the precious beings that they are.” “Los dueños de la ciudad” By Laura Lavayén Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781426964886 Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 336 pages | ISBN 9781426964879 E-Book | 336 pages | ISBN 9781426964893 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble Source: PRWEB