“God uses trials and tribulations so often to teach us that we must trust Him through it all,” says Hudson. “My book takes readers into the life of Clem Brown and shows them how this process works.” Gainesville, Ga. (PRWEB) October 15, 2013 In “A Journey to Faith” (published by Trafford), author Jean Ellis Hudson’s new historical novel, readers learn how to grow a deeper, stronger faith in God. “God uses trials and tribulations so often to teach us that we must trust Him through it all,” says Hudson. “My book takes readers into the life of Clem Brown and shows them how this process works.” Born developmentally slow, Clem Brown suffers multiple trials and tragedies throughout his walk in life. Each occurrence, instead of bringing him down, helps him grow into a stronger man who readers watch overcome his “slowness” to become a man of great faith. In the end, he finds the love of his life, has three children with her and builds a farm. “Trials do not end in life, they only continue to pop up,” says Hudson. “These are often the lessons God uses to grow individuals in his faith. This is his way of helping them grow strong in faith and trust in Him.” An excerpt from “A Journey to Faith”: “‘Susannah, I need to tell you something. This is goin’ to be hard.’ Susannah sobered at his serious tone of voice. ‘After I was born, my mother saw that I was…well, slow. I didn’t walk or talk for a long time, and for most of my life, I’ve had a hard time understandin’ things. I used to pass my hand across my forehead like this’ – he demonstrated – ‘when I didn’t understand.” “A Journey to Faith” By Jean Ellis Hudson Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490708331 Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490708430 E-Book | 328 pages | ISBN 9781490708447 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble About the Author Jean Ellis Hudson taught high school for 15 years as a history teacher. She also was a church secretary on and off. She retired to follow her dream as a writer of Christian historical fiction. Her interests include reading, writing, gardening, crafts and graphic design. Looking forward to more books, Hudson lives with her husband, Jimmy, in Georgia. Trafford Publishing, an Author Solutions, LLC, author services imprint, was the first publisher in the world to offer an “on-demand publishing service,” and has led the independent publishing revolution since its establishment in 1995. Trafford was also one of the earliest publishers to utilize the Internet for selling books. More than 10,000 authors from over 120 countries have utilized Trafford’s experience for self publishing their books. For more information about Trafford Publishing, or to publish your book today, call 1-888-232-4444 or visit trafford.com. ###