Writing a children’s novel was not difficult for 13-year-old Maitha Eisa Al Muhairi — trying to get it on the shelves of UAE stores, however, is posing more of a problem. Despite all the obstacles she faces the young Emirati is determined to see her dream become a reality. She wants her book, Sally Ride’s Adventure, a children’s story about a young girl who gets sucked into a book, to be available in the UAE. “I tried to get my book published by publishing houses in the UAE, however they all rejected it, so I started looking at publishers abroad and finally found a publishing house in Singapore which was interested,” said Maitha. The young Emirati started writing when she was in third grade after her teachers noticed her talent and encouraged her. She went on to write her first storybook at the age of 12 as part of a school competition and was among the winners. Following her dream of becoming a writer she embarked on a mission to get her book published. “After I finally got my book published I was faced with another challenge — selling it. I tried to contact many book stores, however I did not hear back from them. Amazon.com carried my book on its website, however, my dream is to get it on the shelves of stores in the UAE.” She added that sales on amazon.com were not so good because she was not a famous writer so she started attending book fairs in the UAE in the hopes of promoting her book. “It all started as a passion, I love writing but the biggest challenge that I am facing is the business side of it, it confuses me and brings me down at times but I am sure that I will learn along the way and I am going to continue contacting publishing houses and promoting my book,” she added. The Abu Dhabi-based author said that she always ends her stories with informative messages and advice and thinks that if bookshops stocked her book people would learn and be entertained at the same time. Source: Gulfnews